Our Services

Climate Change Solutions

Internal Audit & Control Advisor Climate Stakeholder Engagement Strategy
TCFD Related Assurance
Disclosure Value Creation & Improvement

Carbon Solutions

Carbon Offset
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory
Carbon Neutral Certification
CSR Funding Resources and Allocation

Environmental Managed Service
Sustainable Solutions

Carbon Offset
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory
Carbon Neutral Certification
CSR Funding Resources and Allocation

Report Writing


Reports that not only contain financial performance information but also non-financial information consisting of information on social and environmental activities that enable the company to grow sustainably (sustainable performance).


The preparation of the Annual Report according to standards is part of the implementation of good governance. Good governance is expected to be a value driver for the creation of added value for the Company, not only for shareholders but also for other interested parties (stakeholders).


Assistance in the calculation of Greenhouse Gases for the Sustainability program based on the national action plan which requires every company registered in the capital market and banking sector.


In accordance with the Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 51, 2017 concerning the Implementation of Sustainable Finance for Financial Services Institutions, Issuers, and Public Companies, so that Corporations and Financial Institutions are expected to be able to classify the business and income generated so that it can be categorized as green income or clean revenue, so that support the government’s commitment in achieving sustainability finance.

Report Writing Method

Scope of Work of Report Writing



Writing assistance ( duration 1-2 weeks) implemented in the form of assistance.



Content writing and translation content to Language



Writing, Translating to Language and Designing (Exclude Print)



Writing, Translating to Language, Design, and Print
